Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Post 8- Other Resources

I really enjoyed looking at this site: http://practicalprincipals.net . I found the resources they offered to be very beneficial. They had alot of good information to offer such as using different tools to add to your podcast/videocasts to make them more interesting. I specifically liked the "Bluebird's Classroom", which is a blog that a middle school teacher writes. They are blunt and quite funny to say the least. I thought the blog written today by the teacher about President Obama boring the students with his speech was interesting. As I watched the news the past few days, I have wondered why teachers and parents did not seem to be concerned with the students watching it, in fact they seemed aggravated. This blog helped me to understand the reasoning.
Also, I really liked the idea of the "Fruit Machine", which is a site that you can visit to play a learning game that helps students learn vocabulary words and their correct definitions. Depending on your age group of students, this could be very beneficial. Overall, it showed me that their are so many things out there, creative things that we can all use at teachers to help educate our students in not so boring ways. There is a whole other world out there that I never knew existed - a teacher's world. I love it.

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