Monday, October 19, 2009

Comments4Kids Project

Photo by howstuffworks
I really liked this project! I loved reading what the kids wrote about and sharing my comments with them. Ashley D. wrote about a day that was recognized as "International Act Like a Monkey Day"! She said that everyone would start jumping around and swinging from monkey bars as they acted like a monkey all day! Sounds good to me- I could use a day monkeying around! This life is way too serious.
Rachel B. shared with everyone her love for Jimmy Buffett and how excited she was at one of his concerts. She loved his song "Margaritaville". "Incredible Pizza" was a cute blog by Chelsei T. that shared her day at this pizza place that had go-carts and all sorts of games to play where they could win prizes. I think this place is much like our "Chuck-E Cheese" so I could relate to her on how much fun it must have been!
An anonymous student wrote "Dance Like A Dancer" where everyone danced all day long and could not get in trouble for it. Sounds like a good day to me! My favorite blog entry was "The Campout", where Anna R. had a camp out in her backyard with her friends. They had a tent and even a fire pit to cook smores on. I liked how she included her parents cooking mac-n-cheese and grilling for all of the girls. She even included her adventure of chasing a grasshopper. Too cute!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Emily for making these childrens day. Keep up the good work.
