Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Post 26: ACCESS

Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators, and Students Statewide (ACCESS) Program has a goal of creating equity through additional educational offerings for all Alabama public high school students. The project was launched in November of 2004 and since then has awarded 70 grants to Alabama high schools to implement a 21st century distance learning classroom! ACCESS is available to all Alabama public high school students.
Resources provided but not limited to are remediation modules for the Alabama High School Graduation Exam and Advance Placement Courses. They have a section you can visit where students can utilize practice tests, essay prompts, multiple choice assessments, and many different study resources to help prepare them for the required exams they must take.
ACCESS offers web-based and interactive video conferencing courses taught by Alabama certified and highly certified teachers. They also have e-teachers for online courses. Education is right at the student's fingertips.

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